Sunday, December 30, 2012
Vote in the 2012 Paltalk Mainstream Politics Returns with Lordvoo | Dungeon Awards
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Members of Pastor Worley's Church Back His Call to Kill Gays: VIDEO
Members of Pastor Charles Worley's Providence Road Baptist Church, were asked if they backed Worley's sermon advocating the imprisonment and killing of gays and lesbians within an electrified fence.
Said church member Geneva Sims: “He had every right to say what he said about putting them in a pen and giving them food. The Bible says they are worthy of death. He is preaching God’s word.”
Another, Stacey Pritchard, agreed: “Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from Hell.”
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Need Some Advice
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness -Lev15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the alter as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev1:9. The Problem is my neighbours. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Leviticus 21:20 states that I may not approach the alter of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20 , or is there some wiggle room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread ( cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to al the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev. 24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters. I'm confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that god's word is eternal and unchanging.
Come and chat with us:
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Mainstream Politics Returns - Debate Rules
Here are the rules for all formal debates that are not lockdowns.
1. Types of Teams: Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Independents (meaning those individuals who are not affiliated with the aforementioned political parties.)
2. Number on Each Team: A total of 4 people can be on a team, and one of the team members should be a team leader, who shall be responsible for organizing and preparing teammates for the debate.
3. Debate Format: The debate shall include a moderator, who shall open the debate and recognize the various teams. The various teams are allowed to provide a 2 minute opening statement concerning their general political viewpoints. The moderator shall ask a question of each team and then give that initially asked team 3 minutes to respond. Thereafter, the moderator shall provide the other teams 2 minutes each to provide a rebuttal to the initially asked team's response. The initially asked team is thereafter provided 2 minutes to respond to any rebuttal made by other teams. Upon completing the aforementioned with each team, the moderator shall open the forum to the audience for 10 minutes and allow the audience members 1 minute each to ask a question of any team or member of a team who has 1 minute to respond. The moderator shall then allow the various teams 2 minutes to provide a closing statement.
4. Adhominem Attacks: These types of attacks are illegal and a team shall be penalized for engaging in any form or nature of a personal attack. Teams should attack the subject, not the person(s).
5. Judges: Judges shall be decided in secret initially by the moderator. Judges shall be revealed at the end of the debate whereupon individual judges may elect to state the basis for the judge's decision in regards to the various team's performance.
(Note: It is strongly encouraged that you are able to provide credible evidence and/or proof for your position on various subject matters. Such subject matters may include, but are not limited to, foreign and international affairs, military matters, funding, congress, presidency, supreme court and decisions, healthcare, education, drug legalization, political figures, etc.)
(Happy Debating!)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Mainstream Politics Year End Awards 2011!!!
Babaganewsh 14 -- WINNER!!!
Extraordinary Molly 11
TungFu 10
Honorable Mention: FaxModemo & MasterofReality 9
The Worst Mainstream Politics' Admin for the Year 2011.
TheOrical 21 -- WINNER!!!
TonesisaLibertarian 19
MothersNative 9
Honorable Mention: Gbigs 8
The Best Mainstream Politics' Chatter for the Year 2011.
Romans 12 -- WINNER!!!
CallieKittinator & Eniarku 6
FaxModem & Bojay 5
The Worst Mainstream Politics' Chatter for the Year 2011.
MothersNative 13 -- WINNER!!!
Gizmo 10
Gbigs, KS Senate Candidate, Lively Oak & TxTrucker 7
Honorable Mention: Givemewings 6
Chatter with the Biggest Ego?
Gbigs 20 -- WINNER!!!
Roisseywench 7
VicFerrari 6
Chatter Who is the Biggest Brownoser?
TheOrical 50 -- WINNER!!!
Mothers 11
Mitsuk 8
The One Word that Describes Democrats.
Weak 9 -- WINNER!!!
Shit 6
Good & Fucked 4
The One Word that Describes Republicans.
Liars 7 -- WINNER!!!
Sucks 6
Shit 4
The One Word that Describes Independents.
Smart 11 -- WINNER!!!
Republicans & Liars 7
Fence Sitters 5
The Least Educated Chatter.
Gizmo 22 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 17
Mothers 6
Honorable: Shark 5
The Most Educated Chatter.
Eniarku 37 -- WINNER!!!
Roisseywench 5
Calliekittynator 4
The Chatter Who is the Ultimate Room Killer.
KS Senate Candidate 20 -- WINNER!!!
Mothers 15
Givemewings 12
The Chatter Who is the Biggest Backstabber.
Lively 18 -- WINNER!!!
Mitsuk 12
TonesisaLibertarian 9
The Chatter Who is the Biggest Loser.
72Toothless & Gbigs 9 -- WINNERS!!!
TheOrical 8
Givemewings & KS Senate 7
The Chatter Who is the Biggest Liar.
Gbigs 51 -- WINNER!!!
Dale 10
LivelyOak 6
Chatter Who Wins the "I am a stupid bastard and should be taken out of my misery" Award.
TheOrical 16 -- WINNER!!!
Givemewings 7
72Toothless & Rickohio 6
Honorable Mention: Guitardude 5
Chatter Who Takes the Mic and Really has Nothing to Say.
Code Alert 19 -- WINNER!!!
Mothers 15
Bojay 10
Chatter Who has the Worst Nickname.
72ToothlessCrackWhores 25 -- WINNER!!!
Booger 6
Fkndmbbastard, Monkey Seconds, Toechopper & TheOrical 3
Chatter Who is the Biggest Pervert.
Txtrucker 15 -- WINNER!!!
Starkiss 13
KCGentz 7
Chatter Who is the Biggest Drama King/Queen.
GivemeWings 15 -- WINNER!!!
Snugglebunny 9
TheOrical 8
Chatter Who Wins the "I Have No Class and Come from Unmitigated Trash" Award.
TheOrical 11 -- WINNER!!!
LivelyOak 9
MothersNative 6
Honorable Mention: TonesisaLibertarian 5
Chatter Who is the Biggest Bully in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 27 -- WINNER!!!
KCGentz 8
TruthSerum & TonesisaLibertarian 7
Admin Who has no Business Admining in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 20 -- WINNER!!!
MothersNative 14
Online Beauty 7
Honorable Mention: TonesisaLibertarian 6
Chatter Who You Would Love to Meet and Beat the Hell Out of if You Could Legally Get Away with It.
Gbigs 16 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 11
KCGentz & Mitsuk 4
Chatter Who is Factually a Psychopath.
TheOrical 21 -- WINNER!!!
Givemewings 13
Penis X 8
Honorable Mention: RoisseyWench & LivelyOak 6
Chatter Who Contributes the Most Thought Provoking Discussions in Mainstream Politics.
Eniarku 17 -- WINNER!!!
Jaf-1, Romans & TreyDuke 4
SIstersassy & Gbigs 3
Chatter Who Wins "The Ultimate and Supreme Chatter Award".
Romans 8 -- WINNER!!!
FaxModemo & Eniarku 7
KCGentz 4
Chatter Who Thinks s/he is Smart but is Dumb as Hell.
Gizmo 11 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 8
Roissywench, Gbigs, TonesisaLibertarian & RickOhio 6
Honorable Mention: OnlineBeauty 5
Chatter Who Wins the "Ted Haggard Award," a Chatter Who Openly Hates Gays but Secretly Would Likely Sleep with the Same Gender.
Gbigs 20 -- WINNER!!!
27Toothless, KS Senator & TreyDuke 6
NYLogCabin 5
Honorable Mention: TweetleDee 4
Chatter Who has the Best Talking Voice.
FaxModemo 13 -- WINNER!!!
Bojay 6
ExtraOrdinaryMolly 5
Honorable Mention: Lolababy 4
Chatter Who has the Worst Talking Voice.
LivelyOak 40 -- WINNER!!!
Gizmo 26
Gbigs 4
Chatter Who Suffers from Multiple Mental Disorders.
Givemewings 41 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 17
LivelyOak 5
Chatter Who You'd Like to Most "Shag" in Bed.
Lolababy & OnlineBeauty 7 -- WINNERS!!!
FaxModemo 3
Vagrik, Starkiss, Moosie, BaloneyMan & AmyHolmes 3
Chatter Who is the Biggest Whiner in Mainstream Politics.
SnuggleBunny 14 -- WINNER!!!
GivemeWings 13
TheOrical 10
Chatter Who is the Biggest Chickenhawk - Advocates War but Would Never Go.
Gbigs 22 -- WINNER!!!
VicFerrari 12
BruteLogic 10
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Asshole for the Year 2011 Award."
Gbigs 22 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 8
RickOhio 6
Honorable Mention: KCGentz 5
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Racist for the Year 2011 Award."
TonesisaLibertarian 29 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 18
TheKux 10
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Sexist for the Year 2011 Award."
Gbigs 18 -- WINNER!!!
KCGentz 7
Roissywench 5
Honorable Mention: ClarionCall, VicFerrari & NYLogCabin 4
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Homophobe for the Year 2011 Award."
Gbigs 10 -- WINNER!!!
NYLogCabin 7
The Orical, TreyDuke & TheKux 6
Honorable Metnion: 5 JT889 & 4 72Toothless
Admin or Chatter Who is Attacked the Most in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 14 -- WINNER!!!
SnuggleBunny 13
TonesisaLibertarian 10
Chatter Who is the Biggest Troll in Mainstream Politics.
Gizmo 7 -- WINNER!!!
Gbigs, TxTrucker & VicFerrari 5
Penis X 4
Chatter Who has the Worst Temper in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 53 -- WINNER!!!
LivelyOak 5
Reddog 4
Chatter Who is the Most Friendly in Mainstream Politics.
Mitsuk 10 -- WINNER!!!
ExtraOrdinaryMolly 7
Milanna 5
Honorable Mention: SylviaLoveJoy, CelticWisdom, Jewel & CallieKittinator 4
Chatter Who You'd Feel the Most Safe with While in a Dark Alley.
FaxModemo 11 -- WINNER!!!
ExtraOrdinaryMolly, Mitsuk, BuddyRomance & TheOrical 3
Steph398, SnuggleBunny, Romans, Lolababy, Isabellah, CallieKittinator & 9er 2
The Most Entertaining Chatter in Mainstream Politics.
TreyDuke 6 -- WINNER!!!
KCGentz, 72ToothlessCrack, TruthSerum & Vic Ferrari 4
CodeAlert, BuddyRomance, Bojay 3
Country You Respect the Least.
United States 18 -- WINNER!!!
Israel 10
China 9
Honorable Mention: France & Pakistan 5
Who You Think Will Win the Presidential Election for 2012 in the United States.
President Obama 76 -- WINNER!!!
Ron Paul 8
Mitt Romney 5
Thank You for Taking the Poll and Reviewing the Results.