The Best Mainstream Politics' Admin for the Year 2011.
Babaganewsh 14 -- WINNER!!!
Extraordinary Molly 11
TungFu 10
Honorable Mention: FaxModemo & MasterofReality 9
The Worst Mainstream Politics' Admin for the Year 2011.
TheOrical 21 -- WINNER!!!
TonesisaLibertarian 19
MothersNative 9
Honorable Mention: Gbigs 8
The Best Mainstream Politics' Chatter for the Year 2011.
Romans 12 -- WINNER!!!
CallieKittinator & Eniarku 6
FaxModem & Bojay 5
The Worst Mainstream Politics' Chatter for the Year 2011.
MothersNative 13 -- WINNER!!!
Gizmo 10
Gbigs, KS Senate Candidate, Lively Oak & TxTrucker 7
Honorable Mention: Givemewings 6
Chatter with the Biggest Ego?
Gbigs 20 -- WINNER!!!
Roisseywench 7
VicFerrari 6
Chatter Who is the Biggest Brownoser?
TheOrical 50 -- WINNER!!!
Mothers 11
Mitsuk 8
The One Word that Describes Democrats.
Weak 9 -- WINNER!!!
Shit 6
Good & Fucked 4
The One Word that Describes Republicans.
Liars 7 -- WINNER!!!
Sucks 6
Shit 4
The One Word that Describes Independents.
Smart 11 -- WINNER!!!
Republicans & Liars 7
Fence Sitters 5
The Least Educated Chatter.
Gizmo 22 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 17
Mothers 6
Honorable: Shark 5
The Most Educated Chatter.
Eniarku 37 -- WINNER!!!
Roisseywench 5
Calliekittynator 4
The Chatter Who is the Ultimate Room Killer.
KS Senate Candidate 20 -- WINNER!!!
Mothers 15
Givemewings 12
The Chatter Who is the Biggest Backstabber.
Lively 18 -- WINNER!!!
Mitsuk 12
TonesisaLibertarian 9
The Chatter Who is the Biggest Loser.
72Toothless & Gbigs 9 -- WINNERS!!!
TheOrical 8
Givemewings & KS Senate 7
The Chatter Who is the Biggest Liar.
Gbigs 51 -- WINNER!!!
Dale 10
LivelyOak 6
Chatter Who Wins the "I am a stupid bastard and should be taken out of my misery" Award.
TheOrical 16 -- WINNER!!!
Givemewings 7
72Toothless & Rickohio 6
Honorable Mention: Guitardude 5
Chatter Who Takes the Mic and Really has Nothing to Say.
Code Alert 19 -- WINNER!!!
Mothers 15
Bojay 10
Chatter Who has the Worst Nickname.
72ToothlessCrackWhores 25 -- WINNER!!!
Booger 6
Fkndmbbastard, Monkey Seconds, Toechopper & TheOrical 3
Chatter Who is the Biggest Pervert.
Txtrucker 15 -- WINNER!!!
Starkiss 13
KCGentz 7
Chatter Who is the Biggest Drama King/Queen.
GivemeWings 15 -- WINNER!!!
Snugglebunny 9
TheOrical 8
Chatter Who Wins the "I Have No Class and Come from Unmitigated Trash" Award.
TheOrical 11 -- WINNER!!!
LivelyOak 9
MothersNative 6
Honorable Mention: TonesisaLibertarian 5
Chatter Who is the Biggest Bully in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 27 -- WINNER!!!
KCGentz 8
TruthSerum & TonesisaLibertarian 7
Admin Who has no Business Admining in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 20 -- WINNER!!!
MothersNative 14
Online Beauty 7
Honorable Mention: TonesisaLibertarian 6
Chatter Who You Would Love to Meet and Beat the Hell Out of if You Could Legally Get Away with It.
Gbigs 16 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 11
KCGentz & Mitsuk 4
Chatter Who is Factually a Psychopath.
TheOrical 21 -- WINNER!!!
Givemewings 13
Penis X 8
Honorable Mention: RoisseyWench & LivelyOak 6
Chatter Who Contributes the Most Thought Provoking Discussions in Mainstream Politics.
Eniarku 17 -- WINNER!!!
Jaf-1, Romans & TreyDuke 4
SIstersassy & Gbigs 3
Chatter Who Wins "The Ultimate and Supreme Chatter Award".
Romans 8 -- WINNER!!!
FaxModemo & Eniarku 7
KCGentz 4
Chatter Who Thinks s/he is Smart but is Dumb as Hell.
Gizmo 11 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 8
Roissywench, Gbigs, TonesisaLibertarian & RickOhio 6
Honorable Mention: OnlineBeauty 5
Chatter Who Wins the "Ted Haggard Award," a Chatter Who Openly Hates Gays but Secretly Would Likely Sleep with the Same Gender.
Gbigs 20 -- WINNER!!!
27Toothless, KS Senator & TreyDuke 6
NYLogCabin 5
Honorable Mention: TweetleDee 4
Chatter Who has the Best Talking Voice.
FaxModemo 13 -- WINNER!!!
Bojay 6
ExtraOrdinaryMolly 5
Honorable Mention: Lolababy 4
Chatter Who has the Worst Talking Voice.
LivelyOak 40 -- WINNER!!!
Gizmo 26
Gbigs 4
Chatter Who Suffers from Multiple Mental Disorders.
Givemewings 41 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 17
LivelyOak 5
Chatter Who You'd Like to Most "Shag" in Bed.
Lolababy & OnlineBeauty 7 -- WINNERS!!!
FaxModemo 3
Vagrik, Starkiss, Moosie, BaloneyMan & AmyHolmes 3
Chatter Who is the Biggest Whiner in Mainstream Politics.
SnuggleBunny 14 -- WINNER!!!
GivemeWings 13
TheOrical 10
Chatter Who is the Biggest Chickenhawk - Advocates War but Would Never Go.
Gbigs 22 -- WINNER!!!
VicFerrari 12
BruteLogic 10
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Asshole for the Year 2011 Award."
Gbigs 22 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 8
RickOhio 6
Honorable Mention: KCGentz 5
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Racist for the Year 2011 Award."
TonesisaLibertarian 29 -- WINNER!!!
TheOrical 18
TheKux 10
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Sexist for the Year 2011 Award."
Gbigs 18 -- WINNER!!!
KCGentz 7
Roissywench 5
Honorable Mention: ClarionCall, VicFerrari & NYLogCabin 4
Chatter Who Wins the "Biggest Homophobe for the Year 2011 Award."
Gbigs 10 -- WINNER!!!
NYLogCabin 7
The Orical, TreyDuke & TheKux 6
Honorable Metnion: 5 JT889 & 4 72Toothless
Admin or Chatter Who is Attacked the Most in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 14 -- WINNER!!!
SnuggleBunny 13
TonesisaLibertarian 10
Chatter Who is the Biggest Troll in Mainstream Politics.
Gizmo 7 -- WINNER!!!
Gbigs, TxTrucker & VicFerrari 5
Penis X 4
Chatter Who has the Worst Temper in Mainstream Politics.
TheOrical 53 -- WINNER!!!
LivelyOak 5
Reddog 4
Chatter Who is the Most Friendly in Mainstream Politics.
Mitsuk 10 -- WINNER!!!
ExtraOrdinaryMolly 7
Milanna 5
Honorable Mention: SylviaLoveJoy, CelticWisdom, Jewel & CallieKittinator 4
Chatter Who You'd Feel the Most Safe with While in a Dark Alley.
FaxModemo 11 -- WINNER!!!
ExtraOrdinaryMolly, Mitsuk, BuddyRomance & TheOrical 3
Steph398, SnuggleBunny, Romans, Lolababy, Isabellah, CallieKittinator & 9er 2
The Most Entertaining Chatter in Mainstream Politics.
TreyDuke 6 -- WINNER!!!
KCGentz, 72ToothlessCrack, TruthSerum & Vic Ferrari 4
CodeAlert, BuddyRomance, Bojay 3
Country You Respect the Least.
United States 18 -- WINNER!!!
Israel 10
China 9
Honorable Mention: France & Pakistan 5
Who You Think Will Win the Presidential Election for 2012 in the United States.
President Obama 76 -- WINNER!!!
Ron Paul 8
Mitt Romney 5
Thank You for Taking the Poll and Reviewing the Results.