Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mainstream Politics Returns With Lord Voo: Basic Admining Skills & Rule Integration

1.  Terms of Service Compliance.  All conduct must adhere to Paltalk's Terms of Service, i.e.

2.  Room Contribution.  Admins should contribute to the room by introducing and engaging in room topics.  The topics are not to be about you, as admin, but should be political in nature.  And expecting chatters to entertain you does nothing more than plateau the room’s momentum.

3.  Opening PMs to Other Admins and Chatters. Admins should open pms to other admins, so to aid in admin collaboration and overall room administration, and to chatters, so to assist chatters in making inquiries. Nevertheless, no admin is required to keep pms open to abusive chatters.

4.  Mic Jumping, Allowing Chatters to Go Before You, and Calling Chatters to Mic.  Jumping the mic is reserved only to call chatters to the mic, not to engage in self-aggrandizement ... (got that, Lord Voo?); and allowing others to go before you in mic order results in your forfeiting your mic turn.  Finally, please do not make derogatory remarks or other commentary when calling the next speaker in line to the mic.  Just say, “John Doe, you are next on the mic.”

5.  Red Dotting, Admining Admins  & Hat Removal.  If you are not a superadmin, an admin who times or there is no "extreme circumstance," such as an admin having a hot mic, do not red dot other admins.  Dotting admins often times leads to admin wars and room destruction.  And should you not have on a hat and enter the room, do realize that you are considered to be an ordinary chatter and may be red dotted in accordance with room rules.  Furthermore, do not admin admins or falsely discredit admins to chatters.  No admin, including a superadmin, is the "boss" of admins; however, superadmins may remove an admin's hat only in situations of an "admin war" or when an admin engages in conduct that could potentially result in Paltalk closing the room, such as, but not limited to, threatening to murder the president.  

6.  Mic Time, Audio Recordings and Reading on Mic.  Five or more hands raised in the mic queue (which does not include the present speaker on mic), then the mic time is 2 minutes.  Fewer than 5 hands raised in the mic queue, then the mic time is generally 3 minutes; however, the 3 minute rule is construed liberally if there are only 2 or 3 hands up behind the current speaker.  Nevertheless, Admins must follow the mic time limit just as any other chatter…(got that, Lord Voo?).  Furthermore, audio recordings may be played occasionally.  The presenter should announce what the recording is about and, if possible, the date.  Recordings or reading on the mic is never to be more than one (1) minute long.

7.  Laying on Mic and Awaiting Text Responses.  Remember that "Dead Air is Deadly."  Some admins speak on the mic and allow for pregnant pauses, "dead air", while waiting for a chatter to respond in text.  Please make your political point on the mic and simply pass the mic to the next chatter in line.

8.  Dotting and Bouncing Chatters.  These coercive powers are intended to ensure compliance with Paltalk’s TOS and room rules, not to intimidate and chill expression of political thought!  Always warn chatters of behavior that violates rules.  If the same behavior persists, then give the chatter a 5 minute dot, in which any admin may remove after 5 minutes.  Should the behavior continue, red dot indefinitely or bounce.

9.  Bullying Chatters.  Never overly scrutinize a chatter's behavior as if to find the slightest reason to take coercive action.  Neither should admins directly or indirectly intimidate chatters, nor threaten to take coercive action against chatters for violating non-rules!  Chatters may yell, scream, curse, embarrass or even give you a nervous breakdown.  Unless stated otherwise by the roomowner, chatters have a right to speak in the room.  Chatters are never required to agree with anyone's political view. 

10.  Insulting While on Mic and Intoxication.  Should you insult admins or chatters, be sure to do so in the context of a political thought.  Otherwise, the room is merely an insult room.  Mere insults destroy the continuity of any meaningful political discussion and, quite frankly, does not build the room’s momentum.  Furthermore, never admin while intoxicated, period!!

11.  Using Bounce and Ban Lists.  No admin should ever remove a chatter from the bounce list, unless the admin is a superadmin.  The ban list should never be tampered with under any circumstance.

12.  Using Admin Whispers and Advertising Other Rooms.  Admin business belongs in admin whispers, not the open channel.  And please never advertise other rooms; admins who lose their hats for this are generally disallowed to admin again.  

13.  Topic Research and Logical Reasoning.  Admins are expected to research political topics and acquire a basic understanding of logical reasoning.  Some words to become familiar with include: deductive, inductive, abductive, premises, conclusion, inferences, fallacy, validity and soundness.

14.  Inquisitions & Inquisitors on Duty.  In mutli-mic rooms, where two or more distinct chatters may simultaneously speak, there may be "inquisitions."  An "inquisition" is an instance whereupon an "inquisitor," more properly termed "Grand Inquisitor," jumps the mic and poses a question to a chatter on the mic.  The questions must be relevant and very brief.  The Grand Inquisitor is to remember that "less is more," which means, in part, that the Grand Inquisitor is to have some decorum and manners and is never to monopolize or dominate a chatter's mic time.  The Grand Inquisitor must also understand that no coercive action is allowed to force a chatter to answer a question, for chatters always retain the inherent right to ignore posed questions and even the Grand inquisitor all together.  Grand Inquisitors' mic jumps are limited to no more than 7 per day for 7 days.   

15.  First Names and Slurs.  The room has voted to be able to use chatters' first names in the room.  It is discouraged but allowed.  Also, the limited list of banned words: Inj*n, H*nky, N*gger, K*ke, Sp*c, Ch*nk, Ab*. (It Lowers the Quality of Debate!!!)   All other slurs are allowed.  We hope to have a room where no word is banned in favor of free speech.  

(Caution: If You are Unwilling to Debate the Roomowner and Stand Your Ground, You are a Coward!  II  Leave!  II  Never be Intimidated by Anyone!  II  Don't Worry About a  Bounce or Dot - Raise Hell!  II  Stand Your Ground!)

(While the notion of "race" is a political construct, and although hispanics are not a "racial group," Mainstream believes that the use of the aforementioned listed slurs devolves a discussion into a "race topic" infinitum.  Mainstream believes that Blacks, Gays, Lesbians, Jews, Muslims, Native Americans, Hispanics Aboriginal people, and many others are minorities who have suffered from rampant, irrational and unfair treatment and discrimination.  Mainstream encourages diversity of participants and opinions and discourages bullying by anyone.)

Advisory: Admin Cliques - While admin cliques are inevitable, such associations are highly discouraged.  Admins are expected to be able to think for themselves, stand by themselves and debate for themselves.

Advisory: Obsequious Conduct - Admins are also discouraged from engaging in sycophantic behavior, which does and will not result in gaining favors.  In fact, obsequious conduct is viewed with great suspicion.  If you disagree politically with anyone, including the roomowner, say so!

Should you have any questions about any of the rules, or think that rules are not clearly defined or need to be amended, please use the comment box below.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mainstream Politics Returns with LordVoo - 
The Dungeon - 
2013 Year-End Awards!!!

Who do You Nominate as the Very Best Mainstream Politics' Admin for the Year 2013?
Romans = 17 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Plakate = 16 Votes
BabaGanewsh = 9 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Very Worst Mainstream Politics' Admin for the Year 2013?
Orical = 22 - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 19
FnThngs = 12
Honorable Mention:  ToeChopper = 11 & Romans = 9

Which Chatter were You Pleased to See Leave Mainstream Politics for the Year 2013?
Gbigs = 17 - First Place Award Winner!!!
Leilani(s a man) 14 (aka Man-lani)
KCGentz = 6

Who do You Nominate as the Most Educated and Informed Chatter in Mainstream Politics for 2013?
LordMercifulVoo = 22 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Untied = 10 Votes
Roissywench = 6 Votes
Honroable Mention:  FaxModemo = 5, ZenFriendly = 5, Gbigs = 5

Who do You Nominate as the Least Educated and Informed Chatter in Mainstream Politics for 2013?
TheOrical = 17 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
DaleNz = 16 Votes
ModerateConservative = 14 Votes
Honorable Mention: Gizmo = 9 Votes

Who is the Most Abusive and Oppressive Admin -in that the Admin is Quick to Dot and/or Bounce for Foolish Reasons but Tries Justifying the Acts?
TonesisaLibertarian = 34 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Fnthngs = 17 Votes
TheOrical = 10 Votes
Honorable Mention:  Quasi = 7 Votes & ModerateConservative = 7 Votes

Which Chatter Deserves "The Biggest Backstabber Award"?
LivelyOak = 27 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 20 Votes
Leilani = 11 Votes

Which Chatter Deserves "The Biggest Loser Award"?
TheOrical = 13 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
ModerateConservative & TooManyFreeLoaders = 7 Votes
KcGentz = 5 Votes
Honorable Mention:  Romans = 4 Votes & Gbigs = 4 Votes

Which Chatter Behaves as if the Chatter is in Love with the Room Owner and Would Likely and Covertly Sleep with the Room Owner if Given the Opportunity?
TheOrical = 33 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Mitsuk = 23 Votes
TheConstable = 15 Votes

Which Chatter Deserves "The Biggest Liar Award"?
Gbigs = 33 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
DaleNz = 20 Votes
ToeChopper = 14 Votes

Which Chatter Deserves "The Stupid Bastard Award"?
TheOrical = 13 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
MrConservative = 11 Votes
Romans = 7 Votes

Which Chatter has the Worst Nickname in Mainstream Politics?
72ToothlessCrackWhores = 37 Votes- First Place Award Winner!!!
ToeChopper = 6 Votes
Roissywench = 4 Votes & LordMercifulVoo = 4 Votes

Which Chatter is the Biggest Pervert in Mainstream Politics?
72crack = 34 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
CookieMonster = 9 Votes
MagnumPotent & TxTrucker = 8 Votes
Honorable Mention: LivelyOak & Quasi = 6 Votes

Which Chatter is Likely Nothing but a Common and Everyday Whore in the Dungeon (Male/Female)?
LivelyOak = 39 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
OnlineBeauty = 17 Votes
MeanLadyMadision & 72ToothlessCrackWhores = 7 Votes

Which Chatter Would You Allow to Starve and Die in a Desert Should You See The Chatter Suffering?

LordMercifulVoo = 12 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical, Gbigs & Romans = 8 Votes
LivelyOak & ToeChoppers = 5 Votes

Lively & toechopper = 5;  Gbigs, orical & Romans = 8;  Voo = 12  L

Which Chatter Would Not Shock You Should You Discover the Chatter is a Mass Murderer, Serial Killer or Spree Killer?
TheOrical = 21 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
72ToothlessCrackWhores = 12 Votes
ClarionCall = 6 Votes
Honorable Mention: ToeChopper = 4 Votes

Which Chatter Would Not Shock You Should You Discover the Chatter is a Rapist?
TheOrical = 15 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
MrConservative = 7 Votes
72ToothlessCrackWhores & TxTrucker = 6 Votes

Which Chatter Would Not Shock You Should You Discover the Chatter is a Child Molester?
TheOrical = 9 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Plastermaster & MrConservative = 7 Votes
KCGentz =5 Votes

Which Chatters Takes Chat Too Seriously and Too Personal; and the Chatter Likely Takes Online Business Offline?
LivelyOak = 45 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical = 16 Votes
LordMercifulVoo = 8 Votes
Honorable Mention: OnlineBeauty = 7 Votes

Which Chatter is the Biggest Fake, Phony, Superficial, Shallow and Transparent Bastard Online?
Gbigs = 17 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
LordMercifulVoo = 11 Votes
Romans & OnlineBeauty = 7 Votes
Honorable Mention:  LivelyOak = 5 Votes

Who is the "The Ultimate Room Killer Chatter"?
TheOrical = 30 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Gizmo = 11 Votes
LordMercifulVoo = 10 Votes
Honorable Mention:  Trinity = 7 Votes

Which Chatter is a Bully and has Serious Control Issues of Others?  
TheOrical = 35 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 18 Votes
LordMercifulVoo = 16 Votes
Honorable Mention:  Fnthngs = 8 Votes

Which Chatter is the Biggest Drama King or Drama Queen?  
LordMercifulVoo = 67 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical = 20 Votes
LivelyOak = 15 Votes
Honorable Mention:  Givemewings = 9 Votes

Who Deserves "The Biggest Trash Award for 2013?  
LivelyOak = 13 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical = 12 Votes
MrConservative = 9 Votes
Honorable Mention:  TonesisaLibertarian = 5 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Admin or Chatter with the Biggest Ego in Mainstream Politics?  
LordMercifulVoo = 59 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
MrConstable = 8 Votes
TheOrical = 5 Votes
Honorable Mention: Gbigs & Romans = 4 Votes

Which Admin is Grossly Incompetent and has No Business Admining in Mainstream Politics?  
TonesisaLibertarian = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical = 13 Votes
FnThngs = 10 Votes
Honorable Mention: Quasi = 8 Votes

If You Could do so Legally, Which Chatter Would You Love to Beat the Hell Out of the Person?  
LordMercifulVoo = 9 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical = 8 Votes
Gbigs, MrConstable, ToeChopper & Roissywench = 4 Votes
Honorable Mention: Logans Hero = 3 Votes

Who is the Biggest and Downright Cowardly - Hit and Run - Chatter?  
TonesisaLibertarian = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Vic Ferrari = 14 Votes
Gbigs = 6 Votes

Which Chatter Provides the Most In-depth Information Orally or Link-wise in Mainstream Politics?  
PK51 = 24 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
LordMercifulVoo = 9 Votes
Sistersasse, FaxModemo & Romans = 4 Votes
Honorable Mention: Plakate & Untied American = 3 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Biggest Psychotic Fake Prophet in 2013?  
Givemewings = 37 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Trinity = 15 Votes
Moses, Gbigs & Lucifer = 3 Votes
Honorable Mention: TonesisaLibertarian, ToeChopper, LordMercifulVoo & Romans = 2 Votes

Who is Indisputably the Ugliest Inside Chatter in Mainstream Politics 2013?
LivelyOak = 22 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 13 Votes
DaleNz = 9 Votes
Honorable Mention: Mitsuk = 5 Votes

Which Chatter Contributes the Most Thought Provoking Discussions in Mainstream Politics?
LordMercifulVoo = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Romans = 12 Votes
MeanLadyMadison = 6 Votes

Who do You Nominate as "The Ultimate and Supreme Chatter" in Mainstream Politics?
LordMercifulVoo = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Romans = 14 Votes
FaxModemo = 11 Votes
Honorable Mention: Tmack & Plakate = 5 Votes

Which Chatter Thinks the Chatter is Smart but is Dumb as Hell?
DaleNz = 20 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
OnlineBeauty & RickOhio = 7 Votes
Gizmo = 5 Votes
Honorable Mention: Orical = 4 Votes

Which Chatter Undeniably Gets "The Ted Haggard Award" - Chatter hates gays openly, but would likely sleep with gays behind closed doors.
NyLogCabin = 23 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Gbigs = 11 Votes
Realworld = 8 Votes
Tweetle, Romans, TheOrical & ToeChopper = 4 Votes

Which Chatter has the Best Talking Voice?
FaxModemo = 32 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
LordMercifulVoo = 21 Votes
OnlineBeauty & Plakate = 5 Votes

Which Chatter has the Worst Talking Voice?
LivelyOak = 40 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Gizmo = 35 Votes
TheOrical = 2 Votes

Which Chatter is the Biggest Religious "Mythological Believing" Fake Prophetic Fruitcake in Mainstream Politics?
Trinity = 41 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Givemewings = 10 Votes
Moses = 6 Votes
Honorable Mention: Lucifer = 4 Votes

Which Chatter Suffers from Multiple Mental Disorders and Mental Illnesses?
Givemewings = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TheOrical = 16 Votes
LordMercifulVoo = 6 Votes
Honorable Mention: Lucifer = 5 Votes

Which Chatter would You Most Like to Sleep with in Bed?
OnlineBeauty = 15 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Lola_1 = 5 Votes
Tranquility = 4 Votes

Who is the Biggest Whiner in Mainstream Politics?
Snugglebunny = 16 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 13 Votes
TheOrical = 9 Votes

Which Chatter is the Biggest Chicken Hawk Coward in Mainstream Politics 2013?
TheOrical = 7 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Gbigs = 6 Votes
SharkLives = 4 Votes

Who Gets "The Biggest Asshole for the Year 2013 Award"?
TonesisaLibertarian = 18 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
ToeChopper & TheOrical = 9 Votes
Romans = 7 Votes

Who is the biggest racist of the year?
TheOrical = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 18 Votes
MrConservative = 8 Votes

Who gets the biggest sexist of the year 2013 award?
Roissywench = 9 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
MrConservative = 6 Votes
MagnumPotent = 4 Votes

Which Admin or Chatter is Unfairly Attacked the Most in Mainstream Politics?
TheOrical = 13 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
TonesisaLibertarian = 9 Votes
Fnthngs = 6 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Biggest Pest and Troll in Mainstream Politics?
SharkLives = 9 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
GIJane & Trinity = 5 Votes
LivelyOak = 4 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Worst Tempered Asshole in Mainstream Politics?
TheOrical = 44 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
LordMercifulVoo = 16 Votes
Romans, LivelyOak & KcGentz = 3 Votes

Who is the Biggest, Most Sloppy, Dumb, Worthless, Stinking, Nasty, Disrespectful, Outrageous, Ridiculous Damn Drunk in Mainstream Politics?
RickOhio = 30 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Breezy = 21 Votes
MrConservative = 15 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Most Friendly Chatter in Mainstream Politics?
Plakate = 31 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Milanna = 9 Votes
ExtraordinaryMolly = 5 Votes

Which Chatter would You Feel the Most Safe Alone with While in a Dark Alley?  
Famodemo = 19 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Plakate = 9 Votes
LordMercifulVoo = 7 Votes
Honorable Mention: OnlineBeauty = 5 Votes

Who do You Nominate as the Most Entertaining Chatter in Mainstream Politics?  
LordMercifulVoo = 16 Votes - First Place Award Winner!!!
Treyduke = 9 Votes
72ToothlessCrackWhores = 7 Votes
Honorable Mention: Vic Ferrari 5 Votes & LivelyOak = 5 Votes

What Would You Do to Improve Mainstream Politics? (Please, be terse and lucid.)

Thank You for Taking this Poll.  By the Way, Are you a:
OTHER 56 - 60%
LIBERAL 24 - 25%