Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mainstream Politics Returns With Lord Voo: Basic Admining Skills & Rule Integration

Welcome. This is the condensed version of the rules for Mainstream Politics Returns with LordVoo: The Dungeon.  For a more detailed set of rules, click on the link below.

1.  Adhere to all Paltalk's Terms of Service.
2.  Admins should contribute and initiate political topics.
3.  Admins should open pms.
4.  No mic-jumping.
5.  Admins do not dot other admins (except for superadmins who are appointed timers - Molly, Demi, Zeta, Cross and Master. Admins get 3 minutes on mic in general. One extra minute for admin business. If 5 or more hands up, 2 minutes for all. 9.  No bullying chatters (i.e. lowering hands, etc, chatters may admins back).
10. No admins should be drunk on mic.
11. Do not unbounce chatters (unless if you're a superadmin in rare occassions) & never unban.
12. Admin whispers are only for admin business, not discussing on mic or channel, etc.
13. Do not advertise other rooms.
14. Admins should research topics and be informed.
15. First Real Names are Allowed in Room, especially if the name owner uses it freely. And most slurs are allowed.  These slurs are banned: H*nky, N*gger, K*ke, Sp*c, Ch*nk, Ab*. or any of such derivatives.  All other slurs are allowed.

. That is all! :)
(For Room Banner Only: Rules: Supers, Molly & Demi, May Unbounce & Dot Admins for Jumping; Admin Timers: Molly, Demi, Cross, Master, Mikey, Queen, Skiibo &, Zeta. 3 Min Mic; 2 Min w/ More Than 4 Hands. Banned Slurs: H*nky, N*gger, K*ke, Sp*c, Ch*nk, Ab*.) _______________________

For a more detailed version of the rules, you may click on this link:


Duppy Hunter said...

Best Room On Paltalk.

old stu said...

It WAS the best room. Check out MY incarnation